Few shops in Duck, NC, keep it truer to the Outer Banks than the local seafood markets. There are a couple of seafood markets in Duck, NC. They specialize in just-caught, local fish in addition to importing other high-quality catches from Scotland, Alaska, Washington and beyond. Some of the seafood markets in Duck, NC, are family-owned and operated ventures that maintain strong ties to their sense of place and their local suppliers. They source their product from suppliers in the area, and they're patronized by locals. Enjoy shrimp, tuna, cobia, mahi mahi, swordfish, rockfish and more depending on the season. You can also find halibut, Alaskan king salmon, king crab legs and oysters. Make a meal of it with the assorted sides, desserts, spices, marinade and sauces available at the seafood markets in Duck, NC. Some will even prepare steamer pots all ready to go for you – no prep or cooking required.
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