Shopping in Duck, NC: Home Furnishings

Including Garden Supplies

The shops in Duck, NC, offer the decor and furnishings that put the final polish on a room or inspire a complete home makeover. Some stores specialize in home furnishings with lovely furniture, wall art, sophisticated rugs and more. However, to give your home a one-of-a-kind aesthetic, try shopping for your home from the art galleries and antique stores in Duck, NC. There you’ll find original works of art, handcrafted furnishings from driftwood end tables to sea glass wind chimes, retro pieces of furniture, vintage fixtures and much more.

Cotton Gin

Home Furnishings & Garden Supplies in Duck, NC
1185 Duck Road, Duck
(252) 261-2387
789 Sunset Boulevard, TimBuck II Shopping Village, Corolla
(252) 453-4446
5151 S. Croatan Highway, The Bypass, MP 14.5, Nags Head
(252) 449-2387
Pop-Up Shop, 7005 Caratoke Highway, Jarvisburg
(252) 491-2387

The Cotton Gin has been a coastal shopping tradition for more than 50 years. The original Cotton Gin has stood in the same location in Jarvisburg since 1929, starting as a working cotton gin and growing into a gift store with four locations. The store's primary location in Jarvisburg currently is being rebuilt following a fire, but there's a Pop-Up location nearby in the more

The Cotton Gin has been a coastal shopping tradition for more than 50 years. more